Hello and welcome to the hub of artworks, graphic designs, and of course Original Characters!Starting over a decade ago, CentaurWorks has been refining and expanding the craft. Beginning as a hobby but now has evolved into something more. Within that time, I've created many different characters, with various shapes, sizes, and distinctions. Along with a world that allows them to thrive and tell stories about their journey's and adventures. Interested in an art piece or design? Commissions are on offer!

To put it simply, I have been creating for over 10+ years and continue to try to improve myself. My focus is mainly on Merfolk/Mermaids, Original Characters, and making beautiful scenery. I am always willing to experiment and try out something new and different as well. Please have a look at some of my best work.

I have been creating for over 10+ years, originally starting out traditionally before moving to digital art. My focus is mainly on Merfolk/Mermaids, Original Characters, and making beautiful scenery no matter if it's a simple stage of a landscape. I am always willing to experiment and try out something new and different as well.

Proof of Creation

While having so many of my own characters, I often dabble with working on designs of others' characters. From my OC, to adopts and custom characters. It's always a challenge to put them together but the end result is a beauty for the eyes!

You do not create your own brand without working on graphics to aid you. Alongside my art, I have worked on many graphics; some related to streams, others for social media. With the tools at my hand, I have and will continue to create amazing pieces.


Stream Related




  • Officially Verified on VGen (November 1st, 2023)

  • RamenKing247's Thumbnail Artist (Sept 2019 - Current)

  • MKNinja's Anime Vault Thumbnail Boarder Creator + Try Hard Bros LP Thumbnail Boarder Creator (Sept 2021 - Current)

Zine Participations:

Thank you for checking out my work.
Have a fantastic day!

Many years ago, I decided I wanted to give artwork a try, inspired by Mermaid Melody and an artist by the name of Punisher2006 on deviantArt. Since then, I have not stopped and continued to focus on my art and improving bit by bit. What you see today took many years of trials and errors.

How Long I've been doing Art:

    "The Past Can Hurt. But the way I see it is that you can either run from it, or
    Learn From It"
    -Rafiki/Robert Guillaume, Lion King film (1994)

    Every year starting in 2016, I like to do a year in review for my art and show off the best art pieces and important moments from that same year.

    2023 is already done?! God damn, this year felt like 3 years rolled up into one. It felt like so much happened but not a lot to remember… like a flashbang filled with spikes. It’s not a continuation of the 2020 Cinematic Universe on my side of the pond, but it’s definitely a feeling that life is changing naturally and unable to stop. While everything was going on, the art this year was better and better than before! Something that I ended up doing 6 times this year was remaking old art from late 2010s. Better shading and posting felt throughout this year and I wanted to showcase my favorites with a few extra!


    Drake Florian (Reference Sheet)

    Started off the year with a goddamn BANG! I wanted to do something like this for a long while but did not have the confidence to do it until this year. I also slightly adjusted Drake’s black hair so it would be more easier for shading and to not be so hidden with the lines. I’m really happy with how Drake came out overall, this ended up being super useful to both myself and other artists! For a first step forward, this was a great one!
    Character belongs to @CentaurWorks


    [COMM] Fire Djinns - A Lover's Ring

    I kept going back and forth with this and BMV: A Sunset Caress, and I ended up just going with the Girls Love Emblem. It’s much more simple but so charming. I ended up having this real Shoujo energy with the two that I can’t help but just love so much. The more I look the more I’m sort of touched by this, it’s a sweet image that I feel like lasted so much longer with this loving feeling.
    Characters belongs to Nintendo/Intelligence Systems


    [COMM] Genie of the Games

    March was filled with commissions this year and even though I tried to limit the amount of commissions shown on the list, I could not omit this image. I love how the background came out and ESPECIALLY how the tail came out! I experimented with a more CRT-style tail and it came out amazing!
    Character belongs to Meris


    Happy 20th Anniversary, Mermaid Melody

    This was one of those unplanned images, but I felt a mighty need to do it because it’s the 20th anniversary and Mermaid Melody is one of the reasons that I got into Art to begin with. I have a hard time remembering but I either did the cel-shading either to pay tribute to the anime or because of time crunch reasons. This ended up being the beginning of the Cel-Shading style I would start to do more and more. I especially love how her eyes came out here, it’s honestly a pretty good recreation while fitting my style. What else can I say but Thank you again Mermaid Melody.
    Character belongs to Pink Hanamori & Michiko Yokoke


    Merfolk Soaked in the Rain

    So this was an artwork that I wanted to do for years but kept wondering how to go about it. Simple, 3 characters in merforms in the rain right? To me, I really wanted to make sure that the art piece came off like it was pouring, the lighting fitting the scene, and having everyone unique enough that they standout. A lot of lighting research and study of rain against people, and this ended up being a lot of people’s favorite art piece and easily the best in MerMay. Sometimes it’s good to reserve yourself before taking on a project.
    Character belongs to @CentaurWorks and Azura-Mermaid-Arts


    Zelda: Tears of the Djinn

    While late to it’s release, this was both wanting to both make some art for the new Zelda game, while also being a sequel to one of my more popular images back in the day. Part of the inspiration was from starting to do image remakes of my old art, and I wanted to do it here. Simply put, I absolutely love how Zelda’s eyes came out here, probably one of my best so far. I also love the background around her. It might be simple but it’s effective. This was also before we got more information on what exactly Zelda was wearing so I had to improvise and really enjoyed the outcome.
    Character belongs to Nintendo


    Lady is Better than the Sword

    July was a very weak Month of OCs. I was very ill-prepared and needed to do a last minute theme-swap to make everything work. In the end, I got burnt out but at least the art I created was really damn good. At this point, this was the peak of my lighting so far. The lighting felt so gentle and eye-catching. Kitami and Kevin looked so good and the background was so fitting for the mood. There are many other art pieces in this year’s Month of OCs that really pushed me, but this was my overall favorite.
    Character belongs to @CentaurWorks


    No Art This Month

    This month I took off due my Full Time demanding much more work than I was anticipating and burned out from Month of OCs this year. This actually was the worst month by far for me, as I got sick for about 2 weeks and pushed through it to keep working. Tho, in the end, I was laid off by my job, “company going in a different direction.” I’m at least thankful that I got the experience, as it feels so rare to get it. Time to push on.


    Nathan's Sea Paladin form

    After that break in August, I needed to get back onto the boat. While September was planned out before even July, a lot of art featured here were much more simple ones, but the best one that month was another remake. What helped this out the most was the background and the coral. It was GREAT to finally redo Nathan’s Sea Paladin form but it was even better that the background was treated this well. This and a commissioned piece is what helped me get back on the saddle in terms of art, and I can not be happier.Character belongs to @CentaurWorks


    RosaJon the Siren

    This month had one of the hardest punches to the gut outside of August, but it was also the full rejuvenation of my art. I knew I wanted to do some fanart but had a hard time choosing until I saw ProtonJon again… and then it clicked. I’ve done fanart of RosaJon in the past, why not work on as a Siren? Using the glitching effect since he’s known for his accidental glitches. Other than that, I am beyond happy with how this came out in the end and felt so fitting for the spooky month.Character belongs to ProtonJon


    Misaki and Michiko Singing Together

    This was created for a VGen Discord Server contest and my god did it come out absolutely AMAZING! Where do I begin? Ok; 1. It was great to draw the Hato twins together as there hasn’t been much art of the two for a while. 2. First time I drew them singing which they used to do when they were younger. 3. Misaki came out amazing as she normally doesn’t get drawn due to favoritism but she came out amazing and wanted to draw her for a while. 4. Even Michiko and the Background came out so damn well! I did lose but I am beyond happier that I created this piece and for the two getting this good of a treatment.Characters belongs to @CentaurWorks


    Preparing for Christmas Night

    This ended up being a bit ambitious not going to lie since I wanted to do the Bob Ross style trees with a lovely starry background. I won’t lie, Kenna was more a late edition since she won the OC Ballot in 2022 (hence a rather simple design). But I loved I brought back my little Basalees (the slime creatures), Payton came out so great and the fluff shading is at it’s peak here. There’s something so magical about this scene and I love it so much.Character belongs to @CentaurWorks

    Character Of The Year:

    Kenna Flamber
    (OC Ballot Winner of 2022)

    It’s no surprise but Kenna ended up being the one with the most images this year. It makes sense since people voted for her during the OC Ballot of 2022 and I wanted to make sure this time around to make it feel like the Ballot mattered more and in the future. It was really fun to work on this very new (at the time) character and to flesh her out more. Hopefully I can give her a bit more love overtime but right now, here’s the spotlight to the Fire Princess Knight.Character belongs to @CentaurWorks
    Designed by NewPersonaWorld

    Masterpiece Of The Year:

    Claudia Vs Ego

    Have you ever created something that finally shut that negative goddamn goblin in your brain? The kind that kept putting you down until you showed it something that finally made it say YES. This, to me, is that picture. Between the the intense lighting, the posing, the storm in the distance; this ended up coming together PERFECTLY. I had this idea for years, even made a story, and it just came out perfectly. It ended up proving that I can make something amazing, something jaw-dropping, something that finally makes me want to hang it on a wall. There’s no greater feeling than slaying that goblin’s comments, knowing that you will get better.Character belongs to @CentaurWorks

    2023 has left the station, to some it’s the worst but to me it was more middle of the road than years prior. I might have that look because I’m bracing for a bad 2024 between IRL Family Issues and Financial Issues, it’s going to be rough before it gets better. But, I’m also at the point where I’m like “Let’s play it ear by ear and get through this;” outside of gaming at least. I think 2023 proves the most that if I keep pushing, I will get somewhere amazing.The struggle is real, it will always be real, but there is some satisfaction in knowing that I am making it work despite a lot of shit going on. I’m in the middle of planning 2024 art-wise, but it’s looking like one that’s going to test my abilities in a good way. There’s more to come, hoping to make some physical goods too. In the end, through the ups and downs, I’m glad to have made it out and I’m hopeful for what the future has to offer.Thank you for a great year of art! And I'll see you next year!

    *Some art featured here are not my own and are in the credited towards the artists.

    Number of Characters:


    Since my first art piece, I have always been working on my characters and their own world(s). While things have shifted around over the years, they still remain my proudest and most ongoing accomplishments.
    From the Mermaids in the ocean to the knights and mercenaries of yester years.
    From the wish granting genies to the entities within the stars.
    I welcome all to explore the world and the characters that enhance it.


    Stories of the world, it's events, and the characters in the stage of history are all told within these pages.Check out the site(s) to read the canons and non-canons:

    Month of OCs is a month-long celebration of Original Characters.Check out the site for more information:

    Every year, I enjoy releasing a Voting Ballot to get a gauge on which of my characters people like the most that year.
    It's been a tradition since 2014, as these Ballots help me understand what people like about my characters, and how to improve in different ways.

    2023 Winners

    Winners of 2022's OC Ballot
    Winners of 2022's OC Ballot

    Former Winners:


    • 🥇: Kenna Flamber

    • 🥈: Reneta "Meg" Hydrasung

    • 🥉: Syra


    • 🥇: Cynthia Chuseio

    • 🥈: Nathan O'Connor

    • 🥉: Isabella


    • 🥇: Cynthia Chuseio

    • 🥈: Drake Florian

    • 🥉: Heidrum


    • 🥇: Drake Florian

    • 🥈: Michiko Hato

    • 🥉: Claudia Synderson


    • 🥇: Nashira Aquaregis

    • 🥈: Michiko Hato

    • 🥉: Cynthia Chuseio


    • 🥇: Michiko Hato

    • 🥈: Claudia Synderson

    • 🥉: Cynthia Chuseio

    My tools of the trade, my list of specifics that I utilize at my work station. A good place if you ask, “What do you use?” And the answer is down below.

    PC Specs:

    • GPU: GeForce RTX™ 3060 12GB GDDR6 Video Card

    • CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 9 5900X 3.7GHz [4.8GHz Turbo] 12 Cores/ 24 Threads 70MB Total Cache 105W Processor [+170]

    • RAM: 32GB (+ 16GB from old PC)

    • C Drive: 1 TB

    • D Drive: 3 TB

    • Capture Card: Elgato HD60 Pro Game Capture Card

    • Motherboard: GIGABYTE X570 AORUS ELITE WIFI ATX w/ AC WiFi, RGB, Intel LAN, 3 PCIe x16, 2 PCIe x1, 6 SATA3, 2 M.2 SATA/PCIe [+54]

    Software + Equpiment:

    • Dell Curved Gaming Monitor

    • LG DualUp 27"

    • Stream Decks (MK1, XL, +)

    • Wave XLR

    • RØDE - PodMic Dynamic Broadcast Microphone

    Support is always appreciated when streaming, creating, and working on new designs and projects. Sometimes, these projects are turned into merchandise because they either were made for it or just look cool!
    As of this time, there is no merch on offer. Please check back later or follow the Discord for more updates.

    Recent Additions

    Support is always appreciated when streaming, creating, and working on new designs and projects. If interested, there are many ways to help support and keep CentaurWorks going.

    Subscribe To The Newsletter:

    Single Donations

    A single donation is much more beneficial than most people think. A single dollar can lead to a better outcome. It helps out immensely and it's always welcomed.

    Monthly Donations

    If you support what I do and really want to see it as much as possible, Monthly Donations are guaranteed income for the craft I do. A single dollar a month helps out so much so it is always welcome.

    Monthly Donations Benefits

    $1 Tier

    • Behind-The-Scenes Discord Category Access

    • High-Resolution Art Pieces

    • Access to Art Varients

    • Name within Videos (Non-Short Formed Videos)

    • 5% off all commissions

    • Every Dollar helps continue and improve the art! 🙌

    $5 Tier

    • All Previous Rewards from lower tiers

    • VIP Badge on Twitch (Unless Subbing on Twitch)

    • One Bust Sketch-Style Image as a Thank You gift

    • One Free Chibi Comm every 3 months (Does Not Stack)

    • 10% off all commissions

    $10 Tier

    • All Previous Rewards from lower tiers

    • Access to The Vault (Accessible on the Discord Server)

    • One Free Comm a year (Does Not Stack)

    • 20% off all commissions

    • Other Benefits in the work

    Best Way to Contact

    Quick Info:

    • I love to do artworks of Mythical beings like Mermaids, and I love drawing Original Characters.

    • Posting art Every Saturday at 6:00pm US Eastern Time*
      *Art might not be uploaded due to any IRL Events or Technological Situations out of my control

    • Support is always welcome and encouranged.


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    Looks like you entered a part of the site that is broken, no longer here or in construction.Best to head back while the mess is being cleaned up.